Dr. Esmaeel Khanmirza

Hybrid Control Systems
Intelligent Control Systems
Mechatronics and Simultaneous Engineering Systems

Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Director of IDAS (Intelligent, Autonomous & Distributed Systems) Lab
E-mail: khanmirza[AT]iust.ac.ir
Phone: 98-21-77240540 Ex: 3128
Fax: 98-21-77240488
Virtual lab
School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Zip Code: 16846-13114


PhD: School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, 2011
MSc: School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, 2006
BSc: School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, 2004

Research of Interest

Hybrid Control Systems: Controller synthesis for Hybrid systems (based on hybrid Automata). A hybrid system is a dynamic system that exhibits both continuous and discrete dynamic behavior – a system that can both flow (described by a differential equation) and jump (described by a difference equation or control graph); The application of Model Predictive Control, Convex Optimization, Intelligent Control systems on Hybrid dynamical systems Controller synthesis.
Intelligent Systems: The application of Neural Network, Evolutionary Algorithms, expert systems and etc. on Controller synthesis and Optimization; Fuzzy-Control; and Nero-Fuzzy Control; The application of reinforcement learning on controller synthesis.
Soft Body Manipulation: Dynamical model of soft bodies; soft body grasping and manipulation.
Motion Planning: Design and fabrication motion controllers for vehicles such as aircraft, cars, satellites, ships, etc.; multi-agent path-planning; Swarm systems, Formation design, and Consensus control; Robot Operating System(ROS); Traffic scheduling; Geometry Control.
Networked Control Systems: Implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) Operating Systems and platforms, Real-time operating systems (RTOS) to develop supervisory control systems, networked control systems and embedded control systems; Industrial IoT.
Concurrent Engineering: Concurrent engineering and its relation to Issues such as Systems engineering, requirements engineering, reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams, testing and evaluation, maintainability, optimization methods, and risk management tools. Managing systems engineering overlaps with control engineering, industrial engineering, software engineering, organizational studies, and project management.

Courses Taught

  Course Course Plan
Graduate Intelligent Control Systems
Graduate Adaptive Control
Graduate Mechatronics II
Graduate Mechatronics I
Undergraduate Engineering Dynamics
Design Methods in Engineering
Design of Machine Elements II

